1. 1
    Bedeutung: substance
    sediment grounds drift alluvium deposition mud deposit silt sand
  1. 2
    Bedeutung: foundation
    base basis basement groundwork
    grounds bed bedrock substructure
  2. 3
    Bedeutung: nature
    park grove forest grounds
    lawn yard garden
  3. 4
    Bedeutung: deliberation
    reflection consideration contemplation speculation
    study grounds considering forethought
  4. 5
    Bedeutung: land
    acreage tract realty real estate
    grounds frontage property
  1. 6
    Bedeutung: square
    common plaza grounds park
    green boulevard esplanade
  2. 7
    Bedeutung: subject
    account ground consideration grounds
    excuse purpose reason motive
  3. 8
    Bedeutung: sediment
    grounds drift alluvium deposition
    mud sand deposit silt
  4. 9
    Bedeutung: place
    square common plaza grounds
    esplanade green boulevard park
  5. 10
    Bedeutung: dregs
    deposit settlings residue grounds
    precipitate lees sediment
  6. 11
    Bedeutung: residue
    remains dregs sediment deposit
    grounds precipitate settlings lees
  7. 12
    Bedeutung: basis
    cause factor foundation motive
    premise reason account grounds
  8. 13
    Bedeutung: thing
    basis root grounds source occasion
    antecedent rationale motive cause
  9. 14
    Bedeutung: motive
    ground consideration grounds excuse
    purpose reason account
  10. 15
    Bedeutung: reason
    cause evidence justification assumption
    root premise grounds basis

Wörter ähnlich wie grounds

Fragen und Antworten

Die beliebtesten und damit meist verwendeten Synonyme für "grounds" sind:
  1. sediment
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Wir haben 117 Synonyme für Wort. Die korrekte Schreibweise ist grounds. Außerdem findest du Wörter die Vor und Nach grounds stehen, Zeitformen und verschiedene Bedeutungen.

weitere Verwendung

  • ähnliches Wort für grounds
  • anderes Wort für grounds
  • Bedeutung von grounds

Synonyme vor und nach grounds

  • grope
  • gross
  • grossness
  • grotesque
  • grotto
  • grouch
  • grouchy
  • ground
  • grounding
  • groundless
  • grounds
  • groundwork
  • group
  • group of vessels or aircraft
  • group of words
  • grouping
  • grouse
  • grout
  • grove
  • grovel
  • groveling

beliebte Synonyme

  • sediment (substance)
  • drift (substance)
  • alluvium (substance)
  • deposition (substance)
  • mud (substance)
  • deposit (substance)
  • silt (substance)
  • sand (substance)
  • base (foundation)
  • basis (foundation)