1. 1
    Bedeutung: face to face with
    disputing encountering meeting in the face of opposing facing in the teeth of countering tackling rebellious coping with braving confronting
  1. 2
    Bedeutung: adverse
    adversary counter opposite conflicting
    facing confronting opposed
  2. 3
    Bedeutung: opposing
    contrasting resisting facing clashing
    confronting disagreeing conflicting
  3. 4
    Bedeutung: contra
    opposite opposing facing toward
    fronting against versus
  4. 5
    Bedeutung: conflicting
    contrasting resisting facing clashing
    confronting opposing disagreeing
  1. 6
    Bedeutung: against
    opposite opposing facing toward
    fronting versus contra
  2. 7
    Bedeutung: position
    toward facing through as far as to
  3. 8
    Bedeutung: lining
    backing binding bias overlay
    trim hem facing
  4. 9
    Bedeutung: surface treatment
    front covering surface
    false front facade facing
  5. 10
    Bedeutung: opposite
    facing fronting antithetic
    counter contrary opposing
  6. 11
    Bedeutung: opposed
    adversary counter opposite conflicting
    facing confronting adverse

Wörter ähnlich wie facing

Fragen und Antworten

Die beliebtesten und damit meist verwendeten Synonyme für "facing" sind:
  1. disputing
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Wir haben 79 Synonyme für Wort. Die korrekte Schreibweise ist facing. Außerdem findest du Wörter die Vor und Nach facing stehen, Zeitformen und verschiedene Bedeutungen.

weitere Verwendung

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  • anderes Wort für facing
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Synonyme vor und nach facing

  • facade
  • face
  • facet
  • facetious
  • facetiousness
  • facile
  • facilely
  • facilitate
  • facilities
  • facility
  • facing
  • facsimile
  • fact
  • faction
  • factious
  • factor
  • factory
  • facts
  • factual
  • faculty
  • fad

beliebte Synonyme

  • disputing (face to face with)
  • encountering (face to face with)
  • meeting (face to face with)
  • in the face of (face to face with)
  • opposing (face to face with)
  • in the teeth of (face to face with)
  • countering (face to face with)
  • tackling (face to face with)
  • rebellious (face to face with)
  • coping with (face to face with)