1. 1
    Bedeutung: friendly
    pleasant agreeable cheerful cordial hearty genial warm-hearted well-disposed
  1. 2
    Bedeutung: approving
    approbatory commending assenting recommendatory
    complimentary agreeable commendatory favorable
  2. 3
    Bedeutung: pleasant
    amusing delightful agreeable
    enjoyable beguiling gratifying
  3. 4
    Bedeutung: inclined
    prone partial willing agreeable amenable bent
    not loath liable susceptible subject given to predisposed
  4. 5
    Bedeutung: accommodating
    agreeable compatible deferential conciliatory
    obliging harmonious civil appeasing
  1. 6
    Bedeutung: compatible
    agreeable in agreement harmonious accordant
    in accord compliant agreeing
  2. 7
    Bedeutung: behaviour
    agreeable amiable pleasant pleasing kind
    gentle gracious lovable sweet
  3. 8
    Bedeutung: lenient
    lax indulgent tolerant agreeable
    soft liberal permissive
  4. 9
    Bedeutung: appreciated
    agreeable cherished desirable pleasant
    good honoured welcome
  5. 10
    Bedeutung: favourably inclined
    agreeable well-disposed friendly congenial
    benevolent gracious propitious
  6. 11
    Bedeutung: characteristic
    pleasant agreeable delightful superior good
    admirable excellent inviting nice
  7. 12
    Bedeutung: amiable
    agreeable congenial personable genial
    lovable friendly attractive likable
  8. 13
    Bedeutung: calm
    agreeable composed serene good-natured
    sedate at ease placid tranquil
  9. 14
    Bedeutung: character trait
    eager willing inclined enthusiastic disposed
    agreeable ardent cheerful ready
  10. 15
    Bedeutung: pleasing
    pleasant agreeable refreshing satisfactory
    satisfying gratifying welcome grateful
  11. 16
    Bedeutung: agreeing
    agreeable in agreement harmonious accordant
    in accord compliant compatible
  12. 17
    Bedeutung: compliant
    acquiescent amenable submissive agreeable
    docile obedient yielding conformable
  13. 18
    Bedeutung: enchanting
    glorious agreeable adorable nice
    delightful sweet delectable ambrosial
  14. 19
    Bedeutung: favourable
    adapted ready opportune advantageous
    agreeable suitable beneficial convenient
  15. 20
    Bedeutung: conforming
    agreeing agreeable consonant compatible
    concordant smooth harmonious consistent
  16. 21
    Bedeutung: receptive
    agreeable congenial friendly
    accessible attainable approachable
  17. 22
    Bedeutung: acceptable
    reasonable in accord with amenable
    fair satisfactory agreeable

Wörter ähnlich wie agreeable

Fragen und Antworten

Die beliebtesten und damit meist verwendeten Synonyme für "agreeable" sind:
  1. pleasant
In der rechten Sidebar finden Sie für agreeable eine rote Flagge. In dem Menü können Sie für Agreeable neue Vorschläge hinzufügen, nicht passende Synonyme für agreeable melden oder fehlerhafte Schreibweisen überarbeiten.
Wir haben 172 Synonyme für Wort. Die korrekte Schreibweise ist agreeable. Außerdem findest du Wörter die Vor und Nach agreeable stehen, Zeitformen und verschiedene Bedeutungen.

weitere Verwendung

  • ähnliches Wort für agreeable
  • anderes Wort für agreeable
  • Bedeutung von agreeable

Synonyme vor und nach agreeable

  • agog
  • agonise
  • agonize
  • agonizing
  • agony
  • agrarian
  • agree
  • agree on
  • agree to
  • agree with
  • agreeable
  • agreeably
  • agreed
  • agreeing
  • agreement
  • agricultural
  • agriculture
  • ague
  • ahead
  • ahead of
  • aid

beliebte Synonyme

  • pleasant (friendly)
  • cheerful (friendly)
  • cordial (friendly)
  • hearty (friendly)
  • genial (friendly)
  • warm-hearted (friendly)
  • well-disposed (friendly)
  • approbatory (approving)
  • commending (approving)
  • assenting (approving)