1. 1
    Bedeutung: adjacent
    bordering adjoining contiguous near abutting touching close-by close-at-hand neighboring
  1. 2
    Bedeutung: extend to
    approach reach come to extend
    arrive come up to near get to
  2. 3
    Bedeutung: around
    about circa close to near
    nigh not far from nearby
  3. 4
    Bedeutung: position
    close near proximate present next
  4. 5
    Bedeutung: approaching
    next at hand coming near
    expected imminent impending forthcoming
  1. 6
    Bedeutung: next
    close near immediate present proximate
  2. 7
    Bedeutung: close in on
    approach come closer draw near near
    narrow close come together
  3. 8
    Bedeutung: in the direction of
    approaching around near
    close to at toward
  4. 9
    Bedeutung: close
    abutting aside near at hand adjacent
    neighbouring beside near adjoining
  5. 10
    Bedeutung: advance
    better forward improve near
    progress overtake approach gain
  6. 11
    Bedeutung: movement
    close in on approach come closer draw near
    near narrow come together close
  7. 12
    Bedeutung: come up to
    approach reach come to extend
    arrive get to near extend to
  8. 13
    Bedeutung: activity
    approach come near draw near close in upon
    converge approximate shave near
  9. 14
    Bedeutung: characteristic
    miserly close narrow niggardly
    parsimonious stingy tight near
  10. 15
    Bedeutung: property
    accurate close faithful literal near
  11. 16
    Bedeutung: joining
    related allied touching attached affecting
    connected akin familiar near
  12. 17
    Bedeutung: arrival
    approaching next at hand coming forthcoming
    expected imminent impending near
  13. 18
    Bedeutung: touching
    bordering contiguous meeting joining
    near adjacent in contact with
  14. 19
    Bedeutung: come to a halt
    arrive get there stop brake
    reach near pull up
  15. 20
    Bedeutung: fated
    near predetermined predestined forthcoming
    impending foreordained destined
  16. 21
    Bedeutung: almost
    about approximately nearby
    close to near not quite
  17. 22
    Bedeutung: front
    forward preceding up front
    before near fore
  18. 23
    Bedeutung: go toward
    advance come closer near gain on
    surround approximate approach
  19. 24
    Bedeutung: approximation
    almost not quite approximately nearby
    close to near about
  20. 25
    Bedeutung: place
    around nearby circa close to
    near nigh not far from about

Wörter ähnlich wie near

Fragen und Antworten

Die beliebtesten und damit meist verwendeten Synonyme für "near" sind:
  1. bordering
In der rechten Sidebar finden Sie für near eine rote Flagge. In dem Menü können Sie für Near neue Vorschläge hinzufügen, nicht passende Synonyme für near melden oder fehlerhafte Schreibweisen überarbeiten.
Wir haben 181 Synonyme für Wort. Die korrekte Schreibweise ist near. Außerdem findest du Wörter die Vor und Nach near stehen, Zeitformen und verschiedene Bedeutungen.

weitere Verwendung

  • ähnliches Wort für near
  • anderes Wort für near
  • Bedeutung von near

Synonyme vor und nach near

  • navigate
  • navigational
  • navigator
  • navy
  • nay
  • Nazi
  • Nazism
  • naïveté
  • ne'er-do-well
  • Neanderthal
  • near
  • near at hand
  • near-sighted
  • nearby
  • nearing
  • nearly
  • nearness
  • nearsighted
  • neat
  • neatly
  • nebula

beliebte Synonyme

  • bordering (adjacent)
  • adjoining (adjacent)
  • contiguous (adjacent)
  • abutting (adjacent)
  • touching (adjacent)
  • close-by (adjacent)
  • close-at-hand (adjacent)
  • neighboring (adjacent)
  • approach (extend to)
  • reach (extend to)